71 A COOPERATIVE SPIRIT CHAPTER THREE [CEO] Vern [Dosch] said right from the start, ‘We have your back.’ Those were the exact words they used.” Today, Bogren’s son is a full-time college student. He still has some impairments but he is thriving. Bogren is back at work full-time — and she serves on the Benevolence Committee, giving back to others. She is humbled by her experience and committed to paying it forward. “We’re taking care of our family,” she says. “That’s what it comes down to.” Shanon Bogren and her son Jamison enjoy the Colorado mountains in August 2017 while in Denver for Jamison to participate in 10 days of intense brain rehab. “You can just feel the momentum. That’s what we’re feeling. We’re feeling this flywheel and it’s moving faster and faster,” he said. “And many of you remember when we started this process that flywheel wasn’t moving very fast, and we all had to put our shoulders to the flywheel to start it moving. And now it’s spinning.” Courage and conviction in the ability to create a new generation of software products. Loyalty and trust on the part of Members to wait for those solutions. Those are the factors that pushed NISC toward success. The momentum — the growth in Members, revenue and margin — “is a testament to the cooperative business model,” said Dosch.