Better Business Decisions with iVUE Mosaic - National Information Solutions Cooperative (NISC)

Better Business Decisions with iVUE Mosaic

Learning a new tool or software can be challenging, but that’s why NISC is committed to not only providing our Members with new solutions, but also the support and resources necessary to use them to their full advantage. Bonnie Myers of San Isabel Electric Association in Pueblo West, Colo., was grateful for the help that came with deploying NISC’s iVUE® Mosaic this past year.

“It was a little overwhelming at first,” Bonnie said. “But when I took a step back and looked at everything and worked with the NISC development and support teams, it really was so much easier than trying to create items in Excel or use other software.”

San Isabel had been in the market for years in search of a tool to better track their Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) with their balance scorecard. Other software they had come across came up short in functionality. With iVUE Mosaic, Bonnie is now able to better understand San Isabel’s data and make better business decisions with more accurate information.

“It makes it a lot easier for me to gather data without bugging people when they’re busy,” Bonnie said. “Mosaic is going to help every piece of San Isabel which is awesome because not many software solutions offer options like that.”

To hear more about how San Isabel is utilizing iVUE Mosaic, check out this testimonial video!

Learn more about iVUE Mosaic at